"In our town hall in the municipality of De Joure, Canton Akkrum, Arrondissement Heerenveen, Dept. Vriesland, appeared before me Jacob Petrus, resident of this town, and declared that he takes the name of PRAAMSMA as family name. And that he has the following number of sons and daughters: Wijtske age twenty-two, Trijntje age twenty-one, Antje age nineteen, Pietertje age sixteen, Jantje age fourteen, Petrus age twelve, Kunskjen age nine, Marten age seven, and Sjoukje age five years, all residing in De Joure. The witness declared that he cannot write.
The third of March one thousand eight hundred and twelve." [signature: Arend Wertss]

Click on picture for a view
of Joure in Friesland, home of
Jacob Petrus PRAAMSMA
Click here for a pictorial guide
to the origin of the name
A Frisian praam which our ancestors built before these boats became obsolete. Print up a high res image.